Diana Gruffydd Williams

Diana Gruffydd Williams is a published author, novelist, short story writer, poet and freelance journalist. Her work has been brodcast on R4 and published in The Guardian


Diana’s latest work is a novel “Names and Addresses”  about Megan Roberts, a widow living in a sheltered housing complex.

For more about ‘Names and Addresses’ click here.


Elinor Kapp

Elinor Kapp has had a long career in the medical profession. She is also an accomplished artist, specialising in work with textiles.

Her literary work is as varied and as fascinating as her professional life as a psychiatrist and psychotherapist.

Elinor has published four previous books:

  • A Patchwork Heart: Some memories from my Life
  • Tales from Turnaround Cottage: Fairy Stories for the Older Generation
  • Rigmaroles and Ragamuffins: words we derive from Textiles
  • Ruffians and Loose Women: More words derived from Textiles

Unlike the Swan is her first book published by Opening Chapter

Click here for more information on Unlike the Swan